youth handball class
youth handball class
youth handball class
Your generosity makes a huge difference in allowing Neverest Adventures to continue growing and providing values-oriented adventure programming to youth and families in and around the Northwest Chicago suburbs.
At this time, the ultimate goal we are striving towards is to raise the funds needed to carry out Don's vision of constructing a permanent adventure facility that can serve as the main base out of which current and future programs can be run.
Whether you are someone who has been positively impacted by Don's programs in the past, actively involved in current programs, or simply share & support the vision for the future, we hope you will consider a donation if within your means.
Make a donation through Paypal:
Make a donation with a mailed check:
Check donations can be made out to Neverest Adventures, and sent to...
Neverest Adventures
2101 Eastman St.
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008